Toothaches are a vivid reminder that teeth aren't just pieces of hard tissue floating around in the gums. They are intricately formed sensory organs with layers of dentin and enamel protecting a living pulp. Coursing through the tooth's pulp is a vital bundle of nerves and blood vessels providing nutrients and sensation to each tooth. As long as the pulp stays healthy, you're rarely aware of the systems at work.
Tooth pain can be especially alarming, but it's meant to warn you that something's not right. Pain tells us that the bundle of nerves and vessels inside your tooth is irritated, damaged, or under attack.
A deep cavity can give bacteria access to the inner nerve bundle. In some cases, a significant infection, called an abscess, may develop in your jaw without any symptoms at all. Our doctors may suggest a root canal if we determine that the nerve won’t recover or if an infection present.
Modern anesthetics provide powerful numbing for the gentle removal of the inflamed nerve inside the tooth. The nerve canal undergoes disinfection and careful shaping, and a sealer fills the internal space. A filling or crown over the tooth helps return the tooth to its original function.
Internet articles continue to circulate claiming adverse health effects from root canals, despite years of research proving otherwise. Many of these claims rest on false theories put forward decades ago without any scientific basis. In fact, one popular Facebook article sounding a false alarm shakily rests on a 100-year-old study tossed aside long ago.
At BellaSmiles Dentistry
in Puyallup, WA, we are devoted to providing the safest treatments possible. The American Association of Endodontists stays abreast of all research and can support the safety of this vital service. In fact, new techniques and materials make root canal treatment more successful than ever.
Despite the best intentions, teeth sometimes need to be removed. Regardless of the situation, this minor surgical procedure can be brought together in a way that considers your short and long-term concerns. From anxiety control to planning for tooth replacement, we'll factor in every aspect of your case.
While many patients are concerned about root canals, modern dentistry often makes this procedure quick and simple. Infected teeth in danger of extraction can be disinfected and filled with a sealer, offering a safe, effective solution for a problematic situation.
Minor surgical procedures are sometimes necessary to treat dental issues. Defects in the bone or supporting gum tissue may require repair with simple, yet precise surgical techniques.
The bone around your teeth is special and doesn't regenerate when it's lost. Your teeth rely on this bony foundation to remain stable and functional. Sometimes we can repair these defects by adding bone grafting materials.
Having your wisdom teeth extracted is a common procedure. We monitor the development of your wisdom teeth early so that together, we can determine the best time to remove them.